The Ultimate Guide to Link Building for Mobile Apps and Games

Learn how to successfully build links for your mobile app or game with expert tips and strategies. Improve visibility, drive downloads, and increase revenue.

The Ultimate Guide to Link Building for Mobile Apps and Games

As the mobile app and game market continues to grow, it has become increasingly important for developers to find ways to stand out from the competition. One of the most effective ways to do this is through link building. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of link building for mobile apps and games, and provide you with expert tips on how to successfully build links for your app or game.

What is Link Building?

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These links act as a vote of confidence for your website, indicating to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant.

In the world of mobile apps and games, link building involves getting other websites to link to your app or game in order to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results.

The Importance of Link Building for Mobile Apps and Games

In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business, including mobile apps and games. With millions of apps and games available in the app stores, it can be challenging for developers to get their app or game noticed. This is where link building comes in. Link building not only helps improve your app or game's visibility in search engine results, but it also drives traffic to your app or game's page. This can lead to more downloads, which ultimately translates into more revenue.

Additionally, links from reputable websites can also help establish credibility and trust for your app or game.

Types of Links for Mobile Apps and Games

When it comes to link building for mobile apps and games, there are several types of links that you should be aware of:
  • App Store Links: These are links that direct users to your app's page in the app store. These links are important for driving downloads and improving your app's ranking in the app store.
  • Website Links: These are links from other websites that direct users to your app's website or landing page. These links can help improve your website's search engine ranking and drive traffic to your app's page in the app store.
  • Social Media Links: These are links from social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, that direct users to your app's page in the app store. These links can help increase your app's visibility and reach a wider audience.

How to Build Links for Your Mobile App or Game

Now that you understand the importance of link building for mobile apps and games, let's dive into some expert tips on how to build links for your app or game:

1.Create High-Quality Content

The first step to building links for your mobile app or game is to create high-quality content.

This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, or any other type of content that is relevant to your app or game. High-quality content not only attracts more visitors to your website, but it also increases the chances of other websites linking to your content.

2.Reach Out to Influencers

Influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media and can influence their followers' purchasing decisions. Reach out to influencers in your niche and offer them a free download of your app or game in exchange for a review or mention on their social media platforms. This can help increase your app's visibility and drive more downloads.

3.Utilize App Store Optimization (ASO)

App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of optimizing your app's page in the app store to improve its visibility and ranking.

This includes using relevant keywords, creating an eye-catching icon and screenshots, and getting positive reviews. By optimizing your app's page, you can increase its chances of appearing in search results and getting more downloads.

4.Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way to build links for your mobile app or game. Reach out to websites or blogs in your niche and offer to write a guest post for them. In return, you can include a link to your app or game in the author bio or within the content itself.

This not only helps build links, but it also allows you to reach a new audience.

5.Participate in Online Communities

Joining online communities, such as forums or Facebook groups, related to your app or game's niche can also help build links. By actively participating in these communities and providing valuable insights, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain credibility. This can lead to other websites linking to your content or reaching out for collaborations.

Measuring the Success of Your Link Building Efforts

As with any marketing strategy, it's important to track and measure the success of your link building efforts. This will help you determine which tactics are working and which ones need improvement.

Some key metrics to track include:

  • Number of Links: Keep track of the number of links pointing to your app or game's page.
  • Referral Traffic: Monitor the amount of traffic coming from external links to your app or game's page.
  • Keyword Rankings: Keep an eye on your app or game's ranking for relevant keywords in the app store and search engine results.


In today's competitive mobile app and game market, link building is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can improve your app or game's visibility, drive more downloads, and ultimately increase revenue. Remember to always create high-quality content, reach out to influencers, utilize ASO, and participate in online communities to build strong and effective links for your mobile app or game.

Joyce Oehmke
Joyce Oehmke

Proud beer guru. Web practitioner. Freelance beer advocate. Friendly beer specialist. Web guru. Infuriatingly humble internet expert.

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